Nov 28, 2016 | Photography
Photoshop Tutorial: How to Cast Realistic ShadowsNov 28, 2016 | Photography
Learning how to make a reflection in Photoshop seems simple enough, and for the most part — yes, it is a quite easy thing to accomplish; when the object you are giving a reflection to is flat. Giving objects a reflection in post becomes a bit more of a difficult...Nov 23, 2016 | Photography
Add warm tones with PhotoshopNov 23, 2016 | Photography
In this tutorial by Omnituts we show you how to make The Matrix effect in photoshop; where your object appears to be created and coming out of code. In this tutorial, we use an image of the main villain Agent...Nov 23, 2016 | Photography
How to Cut Out Hair with the Brush Tool When cutting a person out of their background, hair is often the hardest area to master. Here is the video to create & use of custom...
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